Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Immediately after i touched down at KLIA, i was sent by Airport Limo to DSH. When i reached there, the was a man smiling at me; "Kak, ni hospital yer, bukan hotel"... Arghh.. It must be my huge luggage. He thought that i was at false destination. :p

Oman's discharged from DSH on 16 April 2010, after 5 days being treated closely due to temperature fluctuation and viral infection. He was boring to the max on the last day, he didn't want to stay in the ward at all, he pulled my hand to visit the whole hospital, he climbed on me and played 'kuda-kuda', he ran and shouted at me if i wasn't chase him. At the same time, I was suffering with diarrhea and he didn't want anybody else nursing him especially the medical officers. Want it or not, every toilet time he was in there with me. Elok pulak dia diam dalam tu main botol syampu dia!!!! Cobaan betul!! ;P Though i was totally exhausted, dehydrated, but looking at how he appealed in cute face and move, i melted. Biarlah dia active macam tu dari dia terlantar sakit kan?. Huhu.

There's one thing surprised me as Oman gained 0.4 grams even he's sick. Hehe. His weight is now 9.6kg at 79cm tall. Berkhasiat sungguh bubur hospital. :)

My families from perak visited us on last weekend. Dengan harapan they could lend their hands nursing Oman while giving me and my hubby some quality time to rest. Harapan tinggal harapan. :p

I must be visible to Oman's eyes 24 hours. After 5 minutes, his cute mouth would call up 'momma'. If no answer, his tears dropped. He would ran to the kitchen, toilet, store looked up for me. Tersedu sedan. If i silently ran to the toilet, he could sensed it, mulala macam nak pecah pintu toilet tu he hammered it with his cute hands. Immediately when he got me hugging kissing him, terus lebar mcm padang bola smiles dia tau!

My mom told me he might be afraid that i would leave him again. (I was in China a day before he admitted, remember?). Huhu. My mom then siap sempat buat lawak lagi;
"Agaknya, kamu bawak dia bobok sekali masa kat spital hari tu (bobok tu bahasa kami replacing ber_k), dia dah terkenan dengan bau kamu. Tu yang nak melekat je tu" Ahaks!. Sabo jekla.

On Monday, he is no more having fever, a little flu but recovering. I called up Mak Yah to check on Oman. I've been told that Oman kept crying. Yesterday still the same but improved. Today's morning, my hubby told me that Oman's still crying when he passed him to Mak Yah. Ala kesiannya. Memang Cobaan!!!!

Now, i can't wait to fetch him from Mak Yah's house. Nak pelok ciom dia. Cepatlah 5.30 pm. Ngeeeeeeeeee :D

p/s: Dear hubby, i just want to express, how i am so proud of you, you gently handled the first 2 days you and Oman in the hospital. Alone. Want a 'PLEASANT present' ?. Ehem ehem. :P

On the final day at DSH. He was not on the bed. It was on the floor. We were having picnic at kaki lima. Budak kicik ini xmo masuk bilik! :P


  1. mesti Oman phobia sampai takmo masuk bilik ward dia ye..sian Oman, tp its for his own good kn...ade nurses and doc to monitor him 24hrs. Siap naik berat lagi bila dh baik, mesti effect dr antibiotics nieh. good, good.

    buku sape yg jadi "mangsa" hasil creativity Oman tu, you? hihi.. :)

    p.s: mana entry wedding reception Irma, wanna see Oman's photos wearing the tux! :)

  2. this is the first time i see the naughty side of u! im referring to ur not-so-private msg to ur hubs of course. haha. selalunya berjiwa keibuan je :P

    glad to know oman's all well & good now. he still looks adorable wpun tgh sakit! :D oh and i think he has more of ur hubs' features, no?

  3. gelihati bygkan oman duduk dlm toilet dgn momma dia!

  4. Alahai kesiannya oman.. mesti die tgh go through separation anxiety.. imran dulu pun camtu.. pastu at some point die ok dah..

    Alhamdulillah oman dah sihat.. hopefully bertambah2 sihat lepas ni.. aminnn!

    And *clap**clap* untuk en. armi kerana menjadi dadda mithali.. so next time, kalau awak ada business trip, jgn risau yea.. oman is in armi's good hands :)

  5. Nadine dearie, me myself mmg prefer him to stay dekat ward sebab temperature dia turun naik. If anything unexpectedly happened, pakar2 mmg dah ada kat sana. Cuma nak kene entertain Pakcik kecik tu la lebih sikit. hehe.

    Owh, oman was not been given with antibiotics tau dear. The forth night we were there, doc cakap, if the next day Oman nyer temp still high and low, baru dia akan start with antibiotic. So, mmg buburlah jawabnya yang menaikkan berat Oman. Hihi.

    Buku yg Oman conteng tu buku spital. Ade nama2 doc kat situ. hahaha.

    p/s: Huhuhu.. i hope adela sapa-sapa amik gambar Oman full set malam tu.. Cause i didn't have that chance at all dear. :( He was sleeping ..he was the last that got ready.. he was so upset on that day, yeah, his fever started on that day. Huhu. But i will still blog about the beautiful wedding, soon!! :)

  6. Awwwww Thara!!! I am blushed ok!!
    Sekali sekala jadi noty ni, i like!!! Hahahaha.

    Well, kalau u tgk picas Armi masa dia kecik2 dulu, Yes, Oman looks exactly like him. But please..please tell me that he got my lips and bulu mata. Hehehehe :)


    Memang geli hati Hadha. Rasa bersalah pun ada. Dia behave pulak tu. I kept whispering to him, "cover your nose!!".. HAHAHAHAHAH

  7. Alhamdulillah Oman dh sht! Suka tgk rambut Oman tu..macho la!aunty likee..:D n also congrats to his Dadda for doing tremendous job!:)

    Nway Nuurill, Zahin dlu pn camtu gak..sgt tdk bley berenggang ok, every time izu msk toilet mst bwk dia msk skali..klu tk mmg mcm nk runtuh pintu toilet dibuatnya! huhu..

    Skrg Iris plak nk jd mcm tu..adoiyai..dulu zahin sorg bler dh ada dua ank ni...aih lg poning..nk2 izu sorg je jg derg ni kn, tade mmg haru-biru..time nk cuci Zahin lps 'bobok' tu adalah the most challenging time for me..Mn nk cuci Zahin, mn nk attend iris..sdhnya mmg izu tutup ptu toilet n biar iris melalak melaung kt dpn tu..nk bg msk skali, tkt lak. huhu.

  8. Awakku, sometimes we dunno until it happened kan? Saya mmg risau x hengat cemanala Armi nak handle Oman sorang-sorang 48 hours. Alhamdulillah, both of them did a very very good job!!

    I hope Oman cepat-cepatla recover anxiety dia tu Wak. Takut pulak he cries a lot x baik utk kesihatan dia. Huhu.

  9. hihihi cute je oman meneman mommanye masuk toilet ek...sikit hari esok bile oman nak pandai cakap takleh ajak sesame lagi tau..nanti riuh dia mengomel macam ammar dulu dulu hihihihi

  10. Izu, itu rambut dia time macho. Hahaha. Kadang-kadang, kerinting bagai mcm Hafiz Af. hihihi.

    Huhu, Nuurill leh bayangkan riuh rendah nya rumah Izu. Tapi, Nuurill Kagum betol how excellent Izu handles 2 princess tu.

    Kdg2, Nuurill pun, kalau terpaksa, contohnya dah pukul 2 ptg x mandi2 lagi sebab Encik Oman tu asyik melekat je..terpaksa biarkan jugak dia nangis kat luar pintu toilet. Huhu.

    Insya Allah, nanti anak2 dara Izu dah besar, diorang rajin tolong Izu. Dah leh goyang kaki dah nanti Ummi. :)

  11. Hahaha.. yelah Jannah..kot dah leh cakap nanti.. habis pocah rahsio!!! hahaha :)

  12. Glad to hear Oman getting better,sb dia duduk ngan u for almost a week,tu dia meragam sket kt nursery kan..?
    Oman sakit2 pun hansem tau!
    dah besar lah Oman,really mcm bdak 18bulan k,with his tall..haha,duduk hspital berat naik yerk!
    seems u hv to get the recipe from DSH lah dear...

    and good job to mr Armi!dah boleh dapat gelaran Bapak Mithali tu ;)

  13. Aah Nadia, lama dengan i.. terus xmo dah ngan orang lain. Sebelum ni dia mmg x berapa sgt ngan orang lain..tapi muka2 familiar dia ok.. now, semua dia xmo. pagi tadi.. ngan dadda pun dia xmo. asyik "momma, momma".. hehehehehe

    I think Oman nampak besar cause he's tall.. with his messy takeshi hair.. hahaha.

    Armi baca entry i ni, kembang kempis hidong dia.. hahahaa

  14. Alhamdulillah Oman dah sihat! ;) Tapi makin manje ye.. hehe dia rindu la tu nuril.. tu yg melekat je tuh.. nasib la oman smpi ke toilet ikut momma ye... tahan jelah kekekekeke... demi momma tersayang ye...

    tapi btul nuril, mmg budak2 cepat bosan kat spital.. dulu zaim sebulan sekali mesti warded.. jadi dia dah smpi expert dah jalan-jalan sendiri.. masuk bilik org sanesini, kacau doc.. kdg2 tak terkejar, smpi hilang.. huhuh sib baik nurse sume kenal dia.. so nurse tlg anta blk kt mommy... lemas diorg kene duk dlm bilik...

    kite pun bile duk spital ni mmg letih kan nuril..mcm jadi weak je.. kesimpulannye mmg tanak dah berkampung kt spital... same2 doa sume anak2 kite sehat2... tayah warded.. ameen... ;)

  15. Alhamdulillah..harap2 sihat semua ye.

    Ananna n Oman tak bleh berjumpa ni. Akan ada miscommunication. Yang sorang ckp Bobok sbb nak tido..yg sorang pule kata bobok sbb nak b*rak...confuse! ekeke.

    Ok..skrg I nak bobok..hehehe.

  16. Ameen. :)
    Zaim dulu selalu jugak ek kene ward. Kenapa Zura?
    Uish..sebulan sekali, mmgla Zura lagi penat..
    dah ala-ala rumah ke dua kan?
    Aariz so far sihat x?
    Alhamdulillah, nampak macam both anak2 bujang Zura sihat-sihat & cerdik belaka. aamin :)


    Actually.. Ananna nyer bahasa mmg betul. Bobok tu tidur. Bahasa Indonesia kan? Hahah~! Ni Dadda dia la ni, masa dadda dia kecik dah terbiasa bobok tu tido.. terus lekat. Memang confuse. Masa Oman baby, bawak gi restorang ni. Pekerja2 dia ramai indon..semua dgr Oman nangis, semua tepuk2 dia sambil suruh bobok.. hahah.. confuse anak i!

  17. a'a smlm baru nak cakap Oman hair messy2 like Takeshi gtu!love it!!
    Adam rmbut nipis after dah 2-4 times snipping!huhuhu seddey!!

    dear,ckp kt Armi, takpe kembang kempis hidung tu..jgan kembang tak kempis2 dah yerk!!!
    Oman pun lari karang ;)



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