Wednesday, November 2, 2011



Today is the most special day for my mother in law. It's her birthday. We called and sang to her The Happy Birthday Song at 12.10am followed by Oman gave his "I beliu (I love you), Nanny" to her as the birthday present.

My mother in law, she is among the kindest person i ever met. She has a very soft heart. She's like an angel to her kids. Never and ever she raised her voice even though We sometimes contribute to the additional numbers on her 'bp reading'. :P

We love to tease her also. Nobody would believe when she said; "Mama garang ok kat sekolah". We all went like, "uuuu.. takutnya".. She was then gave her manja slaps to us. :)

Mama, I pray everyday that you will always be in a good health and wealth fi Dunya wa Akhirah. You're the best example on how i should be when i become a mother in law later.


On the other hand.....

Today marked the saddest day for my bibik, who just lost her beloved mother in law this morning. I was driving to office when i received an sms from my hubby who was still at home conveying the sad news.

"Daripada ALLAH dia datang(segala sesuatu ), kepada ALLAH dia akan kembali".

Bibik cried a lot.

She told me that she's gonna be alright but i think she really needed someone to talk to, so i returned back home. Bibik cried again when she saw me at the gate.

Bibik told me a lot about her mother in law. How there were very closed as she was the one who takes care of bibik's children since they were babies. She's 80 years old without any serious illness or health problem. Nobody expected that this morning she breathed her last breath.

Allah itu Maha Mengetahui.

I know Bibik miss her family so much especially at this condition. Reminiscing her memories with her family, Bibik smiled a bit when she told me, "Sewaktu raya, anak bibik sempat belikan batik yang mahal untuk neneknya guna duit gaji bibik Bu".

Ahhh sebak....

Keadaan Bibik buat I insaf and more bersyukur. Teringat when arwak Nenek passed away last year when we were in Singapore, kami beruntung sebab masih punya duit untuk balik terus memberi penghormatan terakhir to Nenek. Masih sempat menguruskan segala persiapan pengkebumian Nenek. Tapi Bibik.....

"Tapi Buk, Bibik rasa Syukur sebab sepanjang Bibik kerja dengan ibuk, udah 3 kali Bibik ngirimin uwang ke kampung", sambung Bibik lagi.


Bibik, Semoga Allah terus memberi kekuatan untuk Bibik selagi terpaksa berjauhan dengan keluarga demi mencari rezeki. Semoga roh arwah ibu mertua bibik dicucuri rahmat.




  1. Happy birthday to ur mil n takziah buat ur bibik. Kesian dia..sobs.

    Smg kita sll bsyukur ats kurniaan dan ujianNya dan menghargai insan2 sekeliling kita esp family selagi mereka masih ada..amin!

  2. Beruntung nuurill ade MIL yg baik, I always pray that I'll make a great mother in law in the future insyaAllah..

    I've also just lost one of the most important person in my life while I was so far away from him, and tak sempat tengok jenazah pun, still is very sad whenever I think of him.. tapi itu ketentuan Allah, and Allah maha mengetahui.. terus kan lah berdoa, ibu mertua jugak spt ibu sendiri..

  3. Semoga segala apa yg terjadi, suka atau duka, baik atau buruk memberikan pengajaran berguna utk kita yg masih bernyawa.

    TAHNIAH buat your MIL and TAKZIAH buat your bibik.

  4. al fatihah...salam takziah buat bibik.

    wah gi jejalan reramai camni best kan..tentu seronok

    dah gi ker belum ke kuching..kalau rental kereta dalam seratus lebih..boleh drive sendiri ataupun pakai driver..mahal sikit aa jadinya.

    kalau sewa teksi dorang ambil dalam RM80.00

    kat internet ada web psl transport kat sana. selamat bercuti

  5. Babe, ur MIL b'day 2.11, my MIL plak 2.12! :)

    Happy belated birthday to ur mama, and salam takziah utk ur bibik. tula kan, sbnarnya everyday dlm kita sedar tak sedar, time kita gembira, ada org lain yg menangis... *insaf*

  6. Izu,
    TQ so much dear. Betul Izu, selagi hidup, kita kena saling menghargai, curahkan kasih sayang. Sebab entah esok lusa apa akan jadi, kita pun tak tau...


    That person yang Kak Nanna tulis tu was it your father? or your relative? memang sedih...lagi-lagi bila jauh kan. Hanya berdoa yang kita mampu. Semoga umur kita semua panjang dan murah rezeki. Amin.

  7. Mr H,
    TQ very much. Sama-sama kita saling ingat-mengingati k.

  8. K.Ina, TQ.

    Kami seronok pergi Kuching hari tu kak. Kebetulan jumpa pakcik teksi yang baik, so, mmg bila berjalan dia bawakkan. Bayar ikut hari. :)

  9. my father ;( i still cry whenever I think of him...



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