Friday, March 27, 2009


Semalam was the 44th day of my confinement. The End of it.
Throughout those days, macam-macam yang telah momma lalui, rasai, belajar dan sedari.
Laughs and tears, mix of feelings.

Being a momma is such an awe-inspiring gift, it is the greatest, that i will ask for no more. Ya Tuhan, syukur yang tak terhingga.

BERPANTANG is not really a big deal for me. Apa yang boleh makan, apa yang x boleh makan takla susah sangat. Since, i mmg suka makan vege, seafood and food yang bersoup-soup ni, so, hari-hari makan ikan yang x gatal atau soup dgn sayur sawi x kesah. Ikan masin lagi syiokkk. Enjoy jer. Cuma, the things that kureng sket were that xbleh keluar rumah, xbleh main air (basuh pinggan pun x dibagi), xbleh buat keje kuat sangat (kesian tgk mama ngan nenek xde sape tolong masak). Hehe..orang dah biase activela katekan (konon..)

BERURUT, BERTUNGKU & PAKAI BENGKONG. Earlier days of my confinement, Opah ngah yang urut and pakaikan bengkong. 3 hari berturut-turut. Opah Ngah ni dah 90 years old. Memang tabik spring la dia masih lagi boleh mengurut. After that, i learned myself how to wear it. Xla susah sangat sebab the one that i used wasn't like org dolu-dolu yang kene lilit-lilit tuh. Mine yang leh kata senang sket (Mia Binder Thick). And i love to wear it. Selesa. Cuma bila nak wee-wee and poo-poo tu struggle gakla..hahaha. Bertungku pulak, i did every morning after bath. Untuk naikkan peranakkan. Both of bengkung and tungku i bought them at

Bengkung and Batu tungku

44 days with Roman Anaqhi, i would say, i have learned mcm-mcm things about mommahood and there are still much much more rooms of skills and cognition coming to be faced and discovered.From breastfeeding to tidokan Oman, change his diaper, bersihkan poop dia, mandikan, pakaikan baju, cuddling him, tepuk-tepuk supaya dia burp afer milk-milk time, jadi jaga after midnight, check temperature make sure ok...dan baaanyak laaagiii. When he cried, i have to check few things; is he hungry?, is he needs a fresh diaper?, is he feels too cold or hot?, is he wants to be held? is he can't take lights, the noise, being passed from hand to hand?, is he doesn't feel good? Kadang-kadang, after all that being checked, i still not be able to figure out what's wrong. Itu paling mencabar, cause to see him crying continuously, sungguhla kesian. Mujurla my hubby, my parents, my parents in law sentiasa membantu dan memberi sokongan. Hubby, eventhough kitorang berjauhan when i spent 4 weeks berpantang at my parents house, dia mesti buat sport check hari-hari, call bagi semangat so that i didn't feel he's far from us. Both parents and in laws pun x putus-putus memberi tunjuk ajar, jaga makan minumku, bantu jaga Oman bila momma needed rest. Owh! sangat terharu, kini ku lebih menyedari betapa pengobanan parents sewaktu membesarkan anak. Terima kasih yang tak terhingga kidd, abahs and mamas, nenek dan opah. I really love my new me, challenging, but full of joy.

OMAN. My little man, momma and dadda buah hati pengarang jantung. Oman ada pusar 3 ok. X noti tapi banyak akal :) He can't be patient when it comes to feeding him. Mulut macam burung lepas tu hek hek..hihi.. Bila ngantuk, Oman selalu confuse yang dia tu lapar ke ngantuk.. last-last dia decide utk nangis kuat-kuat..This time, momma lah yang kelam kabut. Sometimes he cries mcm kene cubit jek. Buat momma takut la tu :). Oman is now dah kerap memberi his real smiles..owhh..cairrrr semua orang. Dah la ade dimple kat right cheek dia, rasa nak gigit je ok :). Favourite Oman ialah mandi. Ya Allah, macam tau-tau je dia nak dimandikan, bila bukak je baju dia, dia senyum lebar.. paling dia suka, when i hold him football style, and masukkan dia dalam bath tub..waaa enjoy x hengat. X nangis langsung :). Little Man bagun pagi-pagi memang awal. Ikut tukbah dia. Seawal 5.30am Oman dah celik biji mata..ajak his momma and dadda sembang-sembang..hihi.

Sepanjang 44 hari berlalu, there're few times momma menangis. The first of course masa Oman lahir. Tu nangis gembira. But the first nangis sedih, when Oman was detected jaundice on his 4 days old. Oman kene letak bawah lampu biru tu semalaman. Momma x sanggup nak pisah dengan Oman walaupun midwife called momma at every feeding time. Oman's jaundice sungguhla lama, more than 30 days...masa Oman readmitted to DSH sebab jaundice naik, pun momma nangis. I was so kesian to see him kene cucuk amik darah, lying bawah lampu tu, huhu. And baru-baru ni Oman kembung perut. Oman's crying continuosly sampai xde suara. Momma buat macam-macam to conform him but he kept crying mcm sakit sangat. Sampai Oman dah penat, Oman tertidur with tears still ada kat pipi dia...Momma cried again. Masa tu i felt like i'm not good enough yet to him. I blamed myself cemana angin boleh masuk dalam perut Oman. Again, hubby was so bijak memainkan peranan sebagai watak penenang. Told me not to panic. Be calm. Huhu, sayang kidd.

Alhamdulillah, Oman's jaundice dah ok and his colic dah getting well. Cepat-cepatla semua angin tu hilang yer sayang. Nanti momma lumur lagi minyak telon kat badan Oman k.

So, now Momma dah boleh active kembali. Alhamdulillah. As to meraikan the end of this I have rewarded my self 3 days of exclusive massage, sauna bath and herbal bath. The last session was pagi tadi. Mmg ade kelassss! The lady who massaged me named Mak Yati. She came to the house and did everything which layanannya to me like i'm a princess. Massage sejam, segala urat purat habis dibetoikannyer. Mandi wap 30 minutes. Peluh x hengat mcm jogging 5 km. Hehe. Mandi herba pun, Mak Yati mandikan..wah wah wah.wangi seluruh badanku..Total RM120 for that kind of services is more than worth!! Kat Kl mane dapat weii that price! I am fully satisfied!!

Finally, TATA to confinement. I did enjoy u. :)

Roman Anaqhi on his 44 days old :)

Monday, March 23, 2009


Kejadian on 21st March 08;

At 7.30 am, Oman was ready to bath sambil crying-crying manja. Tau Dadda dia nak sampai from KL, rengek-rengek. Look at his binder. Haha. Momma confused seketika, dah macam pakai BRA lah pulok Oman ni. Hahaha. Oman memang lasak, suka mengeliat, inilah hasilnya!! :)

After enjoying his most favourite activity --> mandi :D, he craved for milk milk, and ZzzZzzZZ

Oman awoke at 1 pm and started meragam. Rupenyer dia muak. It might be because he x cukup burped kot before he sleep. Banyak jugakla Oman muak. Habis baju. So, the planned to welcome Dadda with him wearing 'Idaddy' bodysuit gagal. Huhu. Tapi, Momma tetap semangat. I hung up the bodysuit in my room (dengan kesan2 muak yg telah di lap..yerrr..xpe, bau muak Oman wangi..heeee :D)
So, when Dadda reached, Oman was so sexy with only his binder & diaper on the body. Momma didn't immediately change Oman's wear as dah petang, momma nak terus mandikan si Little Man itu. :)

Oman and Momma were happy as the person we miss so much was with us. That day, Oman betul-betul nak manja dgn Dadda dia. :D Mana x nyer, Dadda dah x cuddled him for 1 week. I knew, Dadda pun rindu bangat sih nak cuddle Oman. :D

Amboih..Amboih...Oman tido dengan nyenyaknyer in his Dadda's arm. Both of them melepas rindu. Awww :D

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Hello. Momma and oman are now in Sitiawan. We'll be here for 2 weeks as i'm going to finish my confinement here (untuk makluman, 9 hari lagi!!! yey!). My mom said i have to re-urut. Mana xnyer, masa pantang ni, ntah berapa kali travel DSH-S.alam-DSH-Sitiawan-DSH-Sg.long-DSH-Sg.Long-S.alam-Sitiawan, ulang-alik ke hospital, naik turun tangga. My mom cakap i have to take care of myself too.

This morning, Oman's stil sleeping masa Dadda kissed good bye to him. Awww! Sedey! Dada x dapat hantar momma and Oman. We followed my parents yang sampai semalam.

Dipendekkan cerita... on our way tadi, Oman mula-mula tidoo..zzzzz... sempatla momma snapped his pic :)

He woke up when we approached Tanjung Malim. Oman was in a very good mood. He's smiling all the way. Cakap je la ape pun..until i asked him, "Oman, where is Dadda?". He's started to look everywhere. Pastu cried. Alahai shian my little man. X sempat sembang ngan dadda dia sebab dadda left him to work this morning while he was still asleep. Dadda x sampai hati nak kejut.

We gonna meet dadda again 5 days more. Oman must be missing his dadda so much!! Miss dadda's cuddling him, miss bau ketiak dadda, miss sembang-sembang ngan dadda pukul 5 pagi, miss dadda tidokan dia. Huhu....and momma?... i can't tell how i'm gonna miss Oman's dadda. Senang cerita 'everything'... isk yang maleh ni.. mata dah bergenang..hahahaha. Xperla...kene banyak-banyak bersabar kan.

I was looking at 'gallery' in my hp at found these 2 pics;

The two heroes in my life. Oh Oh! Oman dah bangun... and i asked him again; "Oman, where is Dadda?" My little man, again, looking around mencari suara dadda...huhu.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Yesterday, momma met Dr Maziah and Oman met Dr Mardziah.
Dadda pulak, amik cuti untuk teman both of us. We love Dadda :)

The day started with all of us woke up early. Oman took bath first. Oman memang dah biasa mandi awal-awal pagi like 7.30 am everyday. Ada hari-hari tertentu jer yang dia cingelat mandi dah tengahari. This is Oman after bathed;

Ewah ewah..kemain lagi we dressed him up. Hihi. The most exciting part was the black shining shoes that fitted his leg. They look damn cute!!! Dari dulu-dulu, i mmg sgt suka tgk kasut-kasut comel for babies and kids. Masa pregnantkan Oman je dah 5 pairs of shoes bought for Oman.

We reached DSH around 10.00am. Oman was sleeping all the way in the car. I was cuddling Oman while dadda carrying Oman's diapers bag. Since there were 2 docs to meet, so we went to momma O&G clinic first to register. There were 7 patients in que . Me and hubby decided to let Oman see his pediatrician first while waiting for the turn.

Oman's still sleeping. The moment we entered Dr Mardziah clinic, Oman's made his hek! hek! hek! Cam tau-tau je jap lagi dia nak kene injection. Syukur that we dun have to que, masuk-masuk je, Doc Mardziah's pretty assistant (promote sket :)) terus nak check berat and tinggi Oman. Momma and dadda excitednyer nak tau.

Taraaa! Oman's now 4.4 kg weight and 56cm tall. Berat dah budak ni. Hihi.:)

After that Oman's name was called. Terus doc asked us to lay Oman on bed. Owh! masa ni dia dah start dah nangis. Hmmm...we were told that Oman's jaundice still there and before doc could jap him (hep B) doc have to check Oman's blood to categorize his jaundice. Actually, Oman's jaundice has exceeded 1 month (lama tuh!). Previously, it was a normal jaundice and expected to cure after 2 weeks. Hmm.. dalam hati masa tu tuhan je la yang tau. Oman's menangis sepenuh hati masa doc buat venesection. Sampai x keluar suara. Urgh! Kesiannyer Oman. Dadda dia dah buat macam-macam dah to make him stop crying. Goncang2 Mr Tortoise pun x jalan.

So we have to wait 45 minutes for the result of Oman's blood test. Oman masih nangis-nangis. Takut campur lapar. So, i rushed to bf room, fed & comforting him. Masa bf Oman, i hold his hand, usap pelan2; "Oman good boy kan? Kejap lagi mesti baik tangan Oman". Oman was like could understand me, closed his eyes, and hold my hand back. Awwwww! syahdunyer..

After 45 minutes, we got the result that his jaundice's still normal since his 'direct' birubilin x high. But Oman x baik-baik lagi??? ade lagi sket kat hidung & mata Oman. Dr Mardziah cakap, There's speacial case where normal jaundice could drag to 2 months. Oman's is one of them. Urine was checked OK, Tiroid tested OK. So, just keep breasfeeding him. His jaundice x dangerous.

Fuhh, hearing that decreased the worry but still, we pray hard that his jaundice cepat-cepatla fully recover. Since his jaundice's normal. Hep B jab bolehla di beri kepada Oman. Ayoyo! brought him back into doc's room, Oman menangiskan dirinya lagi. Shian my little man. Dah selesai, dadda comforting Oman. Terpaksa bawa dia out of clinic sebab bila dalam clinic je dia akan cry. Hihi. Takut doctor litle man nih.

We walked back to momma's O&G clinic, mmg terus my turn. Inside, doc check my stitches down there and did papsmear test. Stitches dah OK, result for papsmear test will be informed later. Doc Maziah also taught me some exercises untuk di bawah sana. Untuk mengekalkan keharmonian rumahtangga she said :). Dan lagi, info mengenai how to plan for the second baby. Uish banyak sungguh method rupanya.

So, dah selesai. We went back sambil OMan tido sepanjang jalan. Letih menangis kot. We reached home, Oman cried for milk milk. Dan lepas itu..dia pun tido 3 jam terusssssss :)

Next Oman's appointment will be on 11th April. 2nd jap for Hep B. Menangisla lagilah Little Man.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Oman is 28 days old today. Dah sebulan dah my son! It's too fast. Mcm x percaya jer.
This is Roman Anaqhi on his 1 month old :)

Mr Tortoise is his new friend. It's a gift from his GrandPapa and Nanny. Oman belum friendly lagi dgn Mr Tortoise but when i asked him to pose with his new friend, he did it well! Mr Tortoise is actually a baby's toy that makes percussive noises when shaken (Dalam bahasa kamus). Keh Keh Keh rattle la tu. I believe Mr tortoise will be Oman's good friend xlama lagi. Hehe.

Besides Mr tortoise, ramai lagi kawan2 Oman. Mr Girrafe and Mr Lion. Both of them actually come together with the vibrating bouncing cradle. After milk milk time, Oman will spend his chill time with them BUTTTTT sebaik sahaja dia mengantuk, dia akan hek hek hek minta dicuddle :). Tell you, his dadda is very good when cuddling & bouncing him. Sekejap jer Oman dah terlentok. Xaci! Kalau momma, dekat 10 minutes pun belum tentu dia lelap mata...hehehehe.

Oman paling nyenyak tido dalam dakapan anybody. Have to wait laaaaaamaaaa sket baru boleh letak dia dalam cot or on bed. Kalau tidak, surely right after few seconds, his eyes will wide open again, After that mesti hek hek hek. :) .Pastu he's like BATMAN. Daytime, senang sket dia nak tido...when it comes to malam, adoyaiii lenguh-lenguh tangan nak tidokan dia. Bully momma and dadda ek! :)

So, that's my baby, Roman Anaqhi. Oh yessss, this is the song that i keep singing averytime nak tidokan Oman. Specially composed for him;

Oman budak baik,
Oman budak sabar,
Dia dengar cakap,
Momma dengan Dadda


I will keep singing that until mata dia lelap or mata i yg lelap dulu..hehe

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I was having 2 pieces of bread with a cup of Milo just now. Nenek was there in the kitchen since early in the morning. "Oman berjaga x malam tadi, Nuurill?", she asked softly. "Hihi, macam biasa la nek. Pukul 5 dia mesti berjaga nak sembang-sembang. Biasalah tu. Dia x nangis pun", jawabku supaya nenek x risau. Tambahku lagi, "Agaknyer dah besar nanti nek, dia rajin bangun buat solat Tahajjud kot nek", selorohku sambil tersenyum.

"Aamin. Alhamdulillah, kalau macam tu. Mudah-mudahan. Tapi yang penting nenek nak pesan, yang 5 waktu tu diutamakan. Kalau dah 5 waktu tu x tinggal, bolehlah nak buat yang sunat-sunat tu. Kat Akhirat nanti, perkara pertama ditanya, sembahyang 5 waktulah. Kalau mak ayah sembahyang x tinggal, tunjuk contoh yang baik kat anak-anak, Insya Alah, anak-anak ikut, Nuurill. Bila dah jadi ibu bapa, tanggungjawab dah besar. Anak-anaklah yang akan mendoakan ibu bapa. Dan doa yang paling dimakbulkan, ialah doa-doa orang yang bersolat. Mudah-mudahan Oman jadi anak yang baik. Nenek dah tua, kalau nenek dah xda nanti, Armi, Nuurill, Oman, anak-anak nenek, cucu2 dan cicit2 neneklah yang nenek harapkan
untuk doakan nenek".

For a few seconds, i was silence. Tunduk memandang sekeping lagi roti yang belum dijamah. Her words menusuk kalbu. Me and my hubby are parents now. Apakah kami akan jadi contoh yang terbaik buat anak-anak kami? "Insya Allah, nek. Nuurill ngan Armi akan cuba jadi yang terbaik", aku memandang nenek kembali. "Xpa. nenek tau hangpa buleh. Yang penting, sentiasa beringat, x kira berharta macamana pun, susah macamana pun, di mana pun kita, jangan sekali-kali jadikan alasan untuk kita lupa pada yang Esa".

"Pagi tadi nenek tengok ceramah kat TV9. Ustaz Harun Din kata, untuk kebahagiaan rumah tangga, elok baca Selawat Shifa. Insya Allah. Nuuril tau Selawat Shifa'?" Alamak... i remember dulu masa sekolah, kene hafal ni. Tapi dah x amalkan sekarang :(.. "Nek, Nuurill dah lupa sebenanya. Tapi xpa, nanti Nuurill check balik". She smiled, "Kat internet ada kot Nuurill, kalau x, Nuurill boleh tgk dalam kitab. Bagus ayat tu Nuurill, kalau sakit-sakit, kita ka, anak kita ka, baca selawat tu, minum ayaq dia". She was right, internet, everything is there. Terpulang kat kita je nak cari apa.

I ate my 2nd piece of bread with hati yg berkata-kata; Ya Tuhan, alangkah mudah lupanya diri ini. Malu jek. Rasa rendah diri sangat. Huhu. Semoga Tuhan mengampuni dan memelihara kami.

So, i went upstairs, kebetulan Oman pun tidur, switched ON laptop and googled "Selawat Shifa", and found this on ;

Terjemahan: Ya Allah, berilah rahmat ke atas penghulu kami, nabi Muhammad S.A.W. yang dengan berkat baginda, engkau menyembuhkan hati-hati, menjadi penawar dan menyihatkan tubuh badan juga memberi kesembuhan penyakit serta mengurniakan cahaya penglihatan dan kurniakanlah juga rahmat keberkatan dan kesejahteraan keatas keluarga dan sahabat baginda.

Terima kasih nenek.

Friday, March 6, 2009


What was happening on 10th FEB 2009??

- I was alarmed at 4.00 and 5.00 am. Thought they were just normal loo-call or worst case, diarrhea.

- At 6.00 am, it was harder and my hubby dah worried. I told him,"Xpe Kidd, let's see how it is after solat Subuh"

- After Subuh pun still sakit lg. Sakit mcm nak Poo-poo. Tapi x boleh pun. Kidd ajak i pegi check. Manalah tau. Walaupun the actual date should be 18th Feb. I told him, "x logikla. Xperla Kidd. Kita pegi keje dulu. Apa-apa By call Kidd". (Ade hati lagitu nak keje..betuah!!). Cadangan itu ditentang serta merta oleh my hubby. "Xde masa!! Nanti Kidd keje kat Cyber tu jauh. Kot-kot jadi ape-ape, x sempat kang"

- From Shah Alam to DSH, it should take around 15 - 20 mintes only by NKVE. Unfortunately, it was a massive trafic jam that day and took us 1 hour 30 minutes to reach there. Masa ni, the pain come and go mcm biskut chipsmore tau. Segala breathing techniques dipraktikkan. It helped bits!!

- Sampai je DSH, terus direct ke Maternity Ward. Beginilah rupa saya. Hubby sempat snapped my pic ni guna his hp. It was in the lift and i was trying to give my best smile :)

- Sampai di maternity ward, i was immediate asked by midwife to lay on bed. They checked if it was a true contraction by CTG.
- My O&G Dr Maziah came and checked. "This is not false alarm my dear. There are contractions. Lemme check your cervix". Ok, masa tu my cervix dah 1.5 cm dilated ropernyer. Terus Dr Maziah asked midwives to prepare labour room while she broke my water bag. PlusssH!!! Rasa panas dan banyak air keluar di situ. Huhu. "Ok, confirm you're going to deliver today. I estimate another 8 hours to wait for your cervix to fully dilate", Dr Maziah told me. Ayoyo! 8 hours?? lamanya...

- I was entering a cosy labour room (1 katil, sofa and toilet) at 10.00am with my cervix masa tu open by 2 cm dah. Hubby teman. Dah mcm doctor dah Encik Armi masa tu. Hihi. He was wearing formal office uniform. (Yerla, Kot-kot false alarmker tadi, leh gi keje kan lepas tu..hihi).

- Uish! sakit sungguh ni. Takkan baru 2 cm dah sakit mcm ni. I kept going to toilet cause everytime it came, i felt like wanna poo-poo. Huhu. Midwife checked me frequently. My contraction still being monitored by the CTG. "Uish, very fast contraction ek awak ni, continuous pulak tu". Huwaaa..memanglerr!! x nampak ke yang i dah buat segala gaya bebas dah ha untuk tahan the pain. Tonggengla, tidola, dudukla, jalan2la.

- At 11.30 am, my cervix was checked again. "Eh, dah bukak 5cm, nampak gaya mcm cepat awak ni". Huhu. Patutlerr sakit bangat.

- At 1.30 pm, midwife came again and checked. Terus dia tergezut! "Eh, dah nampak rambutla! Kejap yer, nak panggil doctor. Jangan push dulu ok" Punyala x disangka begitu pantas sekali i dah 10cm dilated. Doctor Maziah masa tu pulak tengah bersalinkan the other patient next door. My hubby yg sungguh loyal itu dah ready by my side. Smiling. Hold my hands and never stop motivate me to chill.

- The real battle was really happened!! Doc Maziah, 2 midwives, Doc Armi :) dah ready. My hubby nak tgk kepala baby. "By, dah nampak dah by" . Hihi. Excitednyer dia. So, Doc Maziah told me, to tarik nafas and push.. Kidd pun x putus-putus bagi semangat. TQ Kidd :)

- Alhamdulillah, after 3 pushes, lahirlah Little Man sharp at 1.59pm. Momma and Dadda so proud of you honey. The first contact when doc put him on my belly, i cried. Menangis gembira. X sangka. The midwife letak dia kejap dekat warmer, cuci2 sket.

- Another syahdu moment was when Kidd azan Little Man. I can hear Kidd's voice bergetar. Masa tu x tau..but hari tu i asked him, he told me that masa tu he cried happily also.

- 2 hours was spent after that in labour room for three of us to get to know each other closer. :)
I breastfed Little Man. We touched him, talk to him, hug him...argh..we are Dadda and Momma now!!

- After that, we were transferred to Single room ward. Something was waiting for me there. Sungguh terharu. From Kidd. Tq laling!!

- Maka kemudiannyer, berduyun-duyunla tetamu hadir memeriahkan hari itu. Nanny, GrandPapa, Opah, TukBah, Aunties, Uncles..dan ramai lagi :)

So, that's what happened on that day. Direngkaskanlah versionnyer. Nak tulis lagi panjang xberjaya rasanya. Little man will awake from his sleep anytime soon. Hihi.

And here is some pics of LITTLE MAN taken by dadda on that day.


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