Oman is also so in love with watches. Especially the steel strap type like his dadda's worn. Everytime when Dadda gave him a hold, that would be the first thing that caught his eyes. He would try as hard as possible to seize it.
Ade lagi. Oman akan ketawa kegirangan when we put him on our laps and let him drive the car. Kunon-kunon jela. Keta x jalan pon. :P So, it has been a compulsory daily routine, either me or Dadda, whoever fetches him from MakYah's house to let him drive olok-olok in the car for few minutes. Siap kene buat bunyi keta lagi tau. He will definitely gives his sweetest smiles to all.
Handphone. Currently this is his most favorite 'toy'. Macam pandai guna jek. Adoiiii... high maintenance sungguh.:P When he's crying, just show him your handphone, he will automatically stop and grab it. Pastu senyum. Chet. But that will not working at all times la kan, :P. Kalau dah too sleepy or hungry, bagila apa pun, x layan punya. Hehe.
Percaya x Oman dah ada his own handphone? Taraaa!!
Hehehehehe. Actually this is a sample phone. Displaynya tipu but all the buttons boleh ditekan-tekan. It was a gift from Gpapa. Mana Gpapa dapat? Hihihi.. that one have to ask Gpapa. Kemain lagi tau cik Oman ni.
HAIP !!!!
HAIP !!!!
Hmmm.. kadang-kadang momma and dadda headache jugak coz his interests to gadgets ni lead him to unhygienic habit -> masuk mulut. Sometimes this Little Man bijak + noti + cute, when we attended him, he behaved super well by just checking the gadget politely, then after berjaya mendapat kepercayaan momma and dadda di atas sikap baiknya itu, bila kami tinggal dia kejap je... dah ke dalam mulut peginya. Oman..Oman :)
Pulak tu, now he got new skill, bila his gadget/toy/anything he thinks he own it kene rampas, he will made his hek-hek loud and louder, sambil buat memek muka 'puss in boots'. Confirmla Dadda and Momma ni melt yang Oi!! :D
So, maknanya kenelah sentiasa perhatikan dia. :)
Pulak tu, now he got new skill, bila his gadget/toy/anything he thinks he own it kene rampas, he will made his hek-hek loud and louder, sambil buat memek muka 'puss in boots'. Confirmla Dadda and Momma ni melt yang Oi!! :D
So, maknanya kenelah sentiasa perhatikan dia. :)